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antique japanese bozugappa cape
antique japanese bozugappa cape
antique japanese bozugappa cape
antique japanese bozugappa cape
antique japanese bozugappa cape
antique japanese bozugappa cape
antique japanese bozugappa cape
antique japanese bozugappa cape
antique japanese bozugappa cape
antique japanese bozugappa cape
antique japanese bozugappa cape
antique japanese bozugappa cape
antique japanese bozugappa cape
antique japanese bozugappa cape
antique japanese bozugappa cape
antique japanese bozugappa cape
antique japanese bozugappa cape
antique japanese bozugappa cape

antique japanese bozugappa cape


the heritage project 2023

The Bozugappa cape finds its roots in adaptations of capes worn by Portuguese missionaries during their 16th-century visits to Japan. This unique piece boasts intricate construction, featuring multiple layers, including a protective paper interfacing layer, shielding the wearer from wind and rain.

Meticulously assembled from 18 individual panels, stripes are thoughtfully matched to form its graceful, circular flare. It is elegantly finished with bound edges and corded toggle buttons for closure.

As a cherished antique, it is best suited for display, making a stunning framed or mounted artwork, or part of a carefully styled vignette. Considering its age, history of use and fragile condition, you should only wear this cape in your dreams...

colour : indigo & vanilla bean
fabric : striped cotton exterior, paper interfacing, cotton lining

care :
This wonderful piece is an antique originating from Japan and is intended as a display item only.

Its historic threads need to be treated with care and respect due to their fragile nature. Be mindful while handling, displaying, or storing this garment as its fabric is delicate. Support the seams evenly, and keep out of direct sunlight.

• length : 110cm
• neckline when closed : 76cm

This unique piece is part of the heritage project 2023 by LJ struthers and the maker, a creative response to the beauty, longevity, and cultural history of its fabric components.

Every piece is designed and made in Hobart in a spirit of care for the craftsmanship of the past.

With you we share a respect for vintage and antique textiles which should not be abandoned to dust, but celebrated and worn, re-mended and reimagined, part of the fabric of a beautiful life.